Genetic diagnosis Rett syndrome: a first step to drug therapy. Study on the involved and genes genotype-phenotype correlation

Reference: Armstrong Abstract: Determine the pathogenicity of the mutations and polymorphisms detected in genes MECP2, CDKL5, FOXG1, NTNG1 i BDNF responsible for RTT in all patients clinically diagnosed as RTT and determine the clinical expression in patients (genotype-phenotype correlation). Objectives: – To study the genotype of patients with RTT you have not found a point … Read more

Congenital Rett syndrome: cellular and mouse models for the study of foxg1 impact on forebrain neurogenesis

Reference: GGP09117 Abstract: Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that represents one of the most common genetic causes of mental retardation in girls. Mutations in the MECP2 gene have long represented the only known cause of Rett. Recently, we demonstrated that mutations in a different gene, FOXG1, are responsible for the most severe form of … Read more

Creating an experimental modelreproducing a pathogenic mutation of MeCP2

Reference: Project3 Abstract: Objective: the majority of animal models of the syndrome Rett available today represent only part of what that actually happens in patients, because most patients are not deprived of the entire gene, but only a small portion of it, or even have change only one amino acid. This project has set itself … Read more

New animal models for understandingof the role of MeCP2 and the development of approachespharmacological

Reference: PROJECT1 Abstract: Objective: confirmed the reversibility of the syndrome Rett, a possible therapeutic approach could result by pharmacological modulation of molecular pathways regulated by MeCP2. In this project we will remove MeCP2 from cerebral cortex and hippocampus, areas in which they reside most of the cognitive and affective, to determine the “MeCP2 target genes” … Read more

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