Training Project and collaboration with Dr. Meir Lotan * and an Italian team on rehabilitation in Rett Syndrome

7_Dr. M. Rodocanachi – Centre Don Calabria Milan.

On days 23-24 and 25 January 2009, at the Don Calabria Institute of Milan was held a meeting with Meir Lotan, specialist physiotherapist, Ph.D. at the University of Bergen – Norway, the Department of Master of Physiotherapy ‘ University of Tel Aviv. Work in Israel, �quipe national evaluation of Rett syndrome in his country. Expert physiotherapy in people with multiple disabilities, has developed and deepened in particular a model of rehabilitation intervention in Rett syndrome. He has published books and articles on the clinical aspects of the syndrome and has received an award in 2000 by IRSA (International Association Rett Syndrome) for his contribution to innovative rehabilitation approach in the syndrome, particularly aspects related to the movement disorder and the development of scoliosis, serious complication that occurs with great frequency in girls. The meeting, sponsored by AIR in collaboration with the Istituto Don Calabria and sponsored by the Department of Health of the City of Milan, was divided into a morning theoretically open to families and professionals, followed by a practical part, during which 16 children were evaluated in the presence of their families, therapists reference and rehabilitation professionals team of Don Calabria. During the morning the theoretical Lotan has exposed the decades-long experience of the National Evaluation Team of Israel, with particular emphasis on motor skills intervention and non-surgical management of orthopedic deformity. After the morning were followed by theoretical evaluations of the girls by the therapist. The grading was individualized and personalized, full of ideas and suggestions rehabilitative useful for that specific child and his family, the team valuable reference and training for professionals of the Don Calabria. Objectives Three days later the Milanese and training in Israel of two of our therapists, who assisted Dr. Lotan and his team engaged in the functional evaluation of new cases of Rett syndrome and Rett’s already in the supervision of children in care, have been an invaluable learning and comparison to all the professionals involved, very useful in terms of formative and important step to develop in the future a center of expertise on the approach of rehabilitation in Rett syndrome in Italy.


beginning: 2008.

end: 2010.

Country of research: Italy

Counry of funding source: Italy

Funding organization: AIRETT

Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 50 000 €


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