Therapeutic multicenter study for behavioral disorders in Rett syndrome

Merce Pinada

Proposed in this project, a multicenter trial (cooperation between different hospitals in Israel and the U.S., including the John Hopkins Hospital and three other medical centers), with proposals for dealing with disruptive behavior, including irritability, screaming, biting, self-mutilation, anxiety, inattention and hyperactivity. The main objective of this paper is to improve the mood and behavior with the use of venlafaxine, a reuptake inhibitor of serotonin and norepinephrine (SNRI), and compare the results with citalopram, a selective reuptake inhibitor serotonin (SSRI) to determine the drug more effectively and with less associated morbidity.


beginning: 2009.

end: 2009.

Country of research: Spain

Counry of funding source: Spain

Funding organization: Fondo Biorett

Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 35 207 €


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