Participatory research into quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities

Reference: 57000005 Abstract: This is a summary of the request. The Governor Kremers Centre (GKC) started in 2002 as a corporate initiative of service providers and the academic chair on intellectual disability at Maastricht University. It is now aiming at extending and consolidating its activities as a consortium of Maastricht University, major service providers and … Read more

Developmental Control of Gene Expression

Reference: 864.03.002 Abstract: One of the most profound and intriguing questions in biology concerns the relationship between genetic diversity and the morphology and biology of different species. The key to understanding this relationship will be found in uncovering the contribution of gene family members to the development of organisms. In recent years it has become … Read more

Compiling a chromatin modification module for Intellectual Disability

Reference: 90700365 Abstract: Intellectual disability (ID) affects 2% of our population, but still most ID patients remain undiagnosed mainly due to the huge genetic heterogeneity. It has recently become clear that the complexity of ID genes can be understood in terms of モmodulesヤ of several genes acting together in a single biological pathway or complex. … Read more

Epigenetic Plasticity of the Genome

Reference: 503433 Abstract: In this ‘post-genomic’ era, advances in epigenetic research represent a new frontier that is predicted to yield novel insights for gene regulation, cell differentiation, stem cell plasticity, organismal development, human diseases, cancer, infertility and aging. A central emerging concept proposes that there is an ‘epigenetic code’, which considerably extends the information potential … Read more

Genetic and Epigenetic Networks in Cognitive Dysfunction

Reference: 241995 Abstract: Mutations in about 400 different genes have been associated with Cognitive Disorders (CD), such as mental retardation, autism, neurodegenerative disorders, and psychiatric disorders. Whereas CD impose a major medical and socio-economical problem, there are no systematic studies that aim to provide insight into common mechanisms in CD. We propose a systems biology … Read more

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