Rett Syndrome and Hanefeld variant:analysis of the molecular pathways common to both diseases

Reference: Project5 Abstract: Rett syndrome and its variant “of Hanefeld” are caused by mutations that affect two different genes, respectively MeCP2 and CDKL5. The aim of this project is the systematic analysis of the gene expression profile of neurons lacking MeCP2 or CDKL5. From the comparison of the obtained data we can determine which pathways … Read more

Determination of the role of MeCP2in adult life

Reference: PROJECT2 Abstract: The objective of this project is to determine whether the role of MeCP2 runs out during the early stages of development organism, once induced neuronal maturation, or whether it may also be important in advanced stages of life, possibly exerting a maintenance of different biological activities. The transgenic model we have created … Read more

Pharmacological approaches to restore bdnf levels in cellular and animal models of the Rett syndrome

Reference: GGP08258 Abstract: Rett syndrome (RTT) is the major cause of mental retardation in female children. This pathology is caused by mutations affecting the MECP2 gene located on chromosome X, that in normal conditions regulates the expression of numerous genes. Recently, it has been found that BDNF is one of the target genes of MeCP2 … Read more

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