Role of MeCP2 in the proliferationand in the differentiation of the cerebral cortex

Reference: Project4 Abstract: Objective: the production of MeCP2 starts very early during development of the central nervous system; although at 14 days after conception the cerebral cortex of mice expressing high levels of MeCP2, the role of MeCP2 during these phases has so far been overlooked. it is our opinion that MeCP2 and in particular … Read more

Unravelling the Rett syndrome: effects of mecp2 mutations on synaptic function

Reference: GGP13187 Abstract: Rett syndrome (RS) is a disease of the nervous system that manifests itself in baby girls at about 6-18 months of age. It is characterized by the onset of a complex set of neurological signs, including mental retardation, autism, epilepsy. In most cases RS is caused by the loss of function of … Read more

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