Priority setting in research on X linked mental retardation syndromes, with special focus on Rett syndrome

Reference: A2-SZGYA-FOK-13n.a.002 Abstract: The project consists of three main parts: 1) follwoing the identification of supported research projects on Rett syndrome, their priorities are categorized, 2) research priorities of patients and researchers are analysed and 3) identification of research gasps. PROJECT DETAILSĀ  beginning: 2013. end: 2014. Country of research: Hungary Counry of funding source: Hungary … Read more

Functional variants of the 5q31 chromosome region: connections between polygenic diseases and the carnitine system.

Reference: 73430 Abstract: The study design is the natural extension of our previous research works that had already been supported (, It is clear nowadays, that the functions of the carnitine are not restricted to the role of the oxidation of the long-chain fatty acids. The main direction of the planned research is the … Read more

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