Reference: ANRn.a.8-MNPSn.a.007 Abstract: Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, pervasive developmental disorders) are disabling disorders of variable clinical expression ?, ?d resulting interaction between genetic and environmental factors during critical periods of brain development. Some candidate genes have been identified . Among them, neuregulin, RGS4, DISC1, reelin, BDNF and glutamatergic receptors are involved in the formation … Read more

Double dose against rare diseases

Reference: Abstract: Recently, two teams from CNRS have reported encouraging results in the fight against two rare diseases: “children of the moon” and Rett syndrome. PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: n.a end: n.a Country of research: France Counry of funding source: France Funding organization: National Center for Scientific Research Financing: NATIONAL FUNDINGS – 0 € hyperlink

Cell bank AP-HP Hopital Cochin: Biological Resource Center for the study of genetic diseases

Reference: ANRn.a.6-CEBSn.a.006 Abstract: GLOBAL PROJECT SUMMARY CRB – General Presentation of the project The cell bank AP-HP (Assistance Publique – Hopitaux de Paris) of the Cochin hospital located in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (Cassini Hall) was established in 1992 in partnership with AFM (French Association against Myopathies). Bank of AP-HP cells Cochin … Read more

Genetic and Epigenetic Networks in Cognitive Dysfunction

Reference: 241995 Abstract: Mutations in about 400 different genes have been associated with Cognitive Disorders (CD), such as mental retardation, autism, neurodegenerative disorders, and psychiatric disorders. Whereas CD impose a major medical and socio-economical problem, there are no systematic studies that aim to provide insight into common mechanisms in CD. We propose a systems biology … Read more

GEUVADIS Genetic European Variation in Health and Disease, A European Medical Sequencing Consortium

Reference: 261123 Abstract: We are committed to gaining insights into the human genome and its role in health and medicine by sharing data, experience and expertise in high-throughput sequencing. The purpose of this website is to keep you up to date with the project, and to help you find accessible information about genomics and personalised … Read more

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