Family outcomes

Reference: Danijela Vlajic Abstract: The European Project for Rare Diseases National Plans Development (EUROPLAN) has addressed one unanswered question to date: モwhat is the scope of patient-driven research?ヤ Identification of needs and priorities for translational and social research, modes of fostering them and promotion of interdisciplinary cooperative approaches has been largely recommended. Beside the success … Read more

E patient

Reference: Thomas Bertrand1 Abstract: Health is today the number 1 use of Internet. E patients are health consumers who use the internet to gather, share, produce information about a medical condition of particular interest to them. Health social networks are becoming an important entity of influence in the medicine of the future, as they are … Read more

WDVPT (Role of the Wnt/b-catenin pathway in the dorso-ventral organisation of the telencephalon.)

Reference: 40712 Abstract: To obtain the diversity of cells present in the human brain, different signalling molecules are repeatedly used to regionalise the central nervous system (CNS). In this work we used the zebrafish as an organism model to find which signal pathways are involved in the anterior brain formation and when do they act. … Read more

Molecular signals for synaptic pruning by microglia

Reference: 327409 Abstract: While emerging body of evidence implicates microglia in synaptic pruning and indicates the role of complement system in mediating phagocytosis of synaptic elements by surrounding microglia, no neuronal signals that label synapses according to their activity and maturity have been identified yet. Here we propose to develop an organotypic hippocampal slice culture … Read more

EURORETT: European network on Rett syndrome

Reference: ORPHA258004 Abstract: Rett syndrome (RS) is a neurological disorder primarily affecting girls, with an incidence of about 1/10,000 female births. It is a genetic disease, the second cause of severe mental retardation in women and a leading cause of postnatal neurodevelopmental regression. Rett syndrome is a model for autism-spectrum disorders and it is classified … Read more

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