British Isles Rett Syndrome Survey

Reference: Angus Clarke Abstract: The British Isles Rett Syndrome Survey (BIRSS) was established by Dr Alison Kerr at Glasgow University in 1982. Since 2005, it has been based at Cardiff University under the supervision of Professor Angus Clarke. Funded by Rett UK the main aim is to monitor the health of people with Rett syndrome … Read more

FOXG1 studies

Reference: Angus Clarke Abstract: Under the supervision of Professor Angus Clarke, Dr David Millar will continue research of the identification of mutations in the FOXG1 gene, This project will work with the E-Rare project in Europe. PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2012. end: 2013. Country of research: United Kingdom Counry of funding source: United Kingdom Funding organization: … Read more

The contribution of histone deacetylases to the emergence of rett syndrome investigated by in vitro and in vivo mouse model systems

Reference: Lagger, Sabine Abstract: n.a PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2011. end: 2013. Country of research: United Kingdom Counry of funding source: Germany Funding organization: EMBO Long Term fellowship Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 34 079 € hyperlink

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