Analysis of glial secretome in MeCP2-pathies

Reference: Laurent Villard Abstract: n.a PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2013. end: 2015. Country of research: France Counry of funding source: France Funding organization: French Association Rett Syndrome Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 29 500 € hyperlink

Investigation of the Importance of a hitherto Uncharacterized Mecp2-Isoform for Neuronal Morphogenesis and Chromatin related functions

Reference: Charlotte Kilstrup-Nielsen Abstract: MeCP2 is a protein that has been found to bind and probably regulate important aspects of chromatin but it is still not clear how defects in MeCP2 cause the neurologic problems of RTT. It has become clear that MeCP2 gets phosphorylated in neurons that are activated by external stimuli but we … Read more

FOXG1 studies

Reference: Angus Clarke Abstract: Under the supervision of Professor Angus Clarke, Dr David Millar will continue research of the identification of mutations in the FOXG1 gene, This project will work with the E-Rare project in Europe. PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2012. end: 2013. Country of research: United Kingdom Counry of funding source: United Kingdom Funding organization: … Read more

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