Frequency bands and the correlation between brain areas in cognitive enhancement in Rett syndrome

Reference: 1 Abstract: Some studies have used the eye tracker technology in the SR for the observation of the power of choice and recognition of the concepts of color, shape, size and spatial orientation (Baptista et al., 2006; De Lima Velloso et al., 2009). Recent studies in patients with SR (Vignoli et al., 2010) have … Read more

Integrated outpatient rehabilitation and improving the quality of life in Rett syndrome

Reference: 6 Abstract: Continues in Milan, Istituto Don Calabria, the “integrated approach to rehabilitation and improvement of the quality of life in Rett Syndrome” started in March 2011 through the call for projects to assist the Mariani Foundation and in collaboration with AIRETT. The project envisages an integrated rehabilitation assessment (motor aspects, interpersonal, communication and … Read more

Study of the action of the complex moderating ENA / VASP on synaptic defect induced by mutation of MeCP2 in neurons obtained from mice and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from patients

Reference: na Abstract: n.a PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2012. end: 2015. Country of research: Italy Counry of funding source: Italy Funding organization: AIRETT Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 53 200 € hyperlink

Training Course on-line

Reference: 4 Abstract: Provide parents, therapists and teachers of different types and levels the theoretical and practical tools for working with girls with Rett syndrome and use Alternative communication systems in order to falicitarle in everyday interactions and communication of their needs and their needs. PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2012. end: 2013. Country of research: Italy … Read more

A summer camp for girls suffering from Rett Syndrome

Reference: 5 Abstract: With this new initiative AIRETT aims to be a valuable support for families and especially to help the girls / girls with Rett syndrome in everyday planning a vacation can be fun and also educational. AIRETT over to work on is strongly committed to funding research into concrete activities and support to … Read more

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