Molecular biologickáanalýza MECP2 gene in patients with Rettovýmsyndromem

Reference: 301/01/P068 Abstract: ProjektGA CR 301/01/P068 focused on molecular-biological analysis MeCP2genu. Its defect leads to clinical manifestations of Rett syndrome (RS) (OMIM312750), which is the second most common cause of mental retardation dívek.Dědičnost RS gonosomal dominant with incidence approximately 1 to 000 10000-15; vast majority of mutations created de novo. MECP2 gene, described in 1999, … Read more

Analysis of transcriptional repression and DNA binding of MeCP2 and its significance for Rett Syndrome (B 2)

Reference: B2 – Subproject to SFB 545: Molecular mechanisms of genetic diseases Abstract: PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 1997. end: 2003. Country of research: Germany Counry of funding source: Germany Funding organization: GermanᅠResearch Foundation Financing: NATIONAL FUNDINGS – 0 € hyperlink

Characterization of mecp2 function in rett syndrome

Reference: QLK2-CT-2002-51761 Abstract: Ret Syndrome, an important cause of mental retardation in women, is associated with mutations in the gene encoding methyl- Cog binding protein. The aim of this project is to identify target genes whose expression is altered as a result of Mapco mutations. PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2003. end: 2005. Country of research: Spain … Read more

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