Subclinical myocardial dysfunction in Rett syndrome


Aims Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder frequently linked to methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) gene mutations. RTT is associated with a 300-fold increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Rhythm abnormalities and cardiac dysautonomia do not to fully account for cardiac mortality. Conversely, heart function in RTT has not been explored to date. Recent data indicate a previously unrecognized role of MeCP2 in cardiomyocytes development. Besides, increased oxidative stress markers (OS) have been found in RTT. We hypothesized that (i) RTT patients present a subclinical biventricular dysfunction and (ii) the myocardial dysfunction correlate with OS.


beginning: n.a

end: n.a

Country of research: Italy

Counry of funding source: Italy

Funding organization: National Research Council

Financing: NATIONAL FUNDINGS – 0 €


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