Objective: the production of MeCP2 starts very early during development of the central nervous system; although at 14 days after conception the cerebral cortex of mice expressing high levels of MeCP2, the role of MeCP2 during these phases has so far been overlooked. it is our opinion that MeCP2 and in particular the modulation of its activity by phosphorylation may play a role important in the maturation of the cortex. We will use different techniques to evaluate the role of phosphorylation is embryogenesis and in perinatal life, get information the physiological role played by MeCP2 in some of the crucial stages in the development of connections between different brain areas.
beginning: 2010.
end: 2012.
Country of research: Italy
Counry of funding source: Italy
Funding organization: Pro Rett Ricera
Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 50 000 €