Multifactorial analysis of the movement and the way in Rett syndrome


Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare and complex factors for multiproblematicit? disabling. One of the main and most serious is the progressive loss of control of locomotor and gait, often affected by the presence of involuntary movements, dystonia, ataxia and spasticity. Only rarely treatment strategies used in the neuromotor pathologies infant may be causal, that is oriented to the removal of the pathogenic agent to the base of the lesion. In the vast majority of cases, they must instead seek the correction or reduction of the effects produced by a series of pathophysiological mechanisms, central and peripheral, which interfere with the activities and responsibilities functionally relevant. A thorough analysis of the underlying pathophysiological profile to clinically observable motor deficit in these cases is therefore an essential element of the work plan of the team responsible for the therapeutic planning. To date, there are no studies in the literature that describe accurately the abnormal gait and posture in girls with RTT. In this context, the experimental study proposed by the Laboratory for the Analysis of Movement in the Child P. & L. Mariani – LAMB (Department of Physiology, University of Milan), aims to examine the locomotor pattern and the presence of any phenomena during spastic gait with clinical techniques and instrumental non-invasive and quantitative, in order (i) to describe the pathophysiological features of posture and movement in girls with RTT, (ii) to investigate the possible interference of spastic phenomena during the execution of a motor task natural, (iii) to define the extent of this interference in terms of severity of abnormalities of muscle recruitment and its mechanical effect, (iv) to characterize the topography of spasticity dynamics in terms of the distribution of representative distal muscle groups of the lower limbs (v) to draw from a number of directions above information essential to the definition of rehabilitative rational lines. Depending on the motor skills of the child, the measurement of kinematic parameters, dynamic and EMG will be performed during postural tasks (ie, maintenance of the upright position) and locomotor tasks (ie journey and the beginning of the journey). The kinematics of the movement will be analyzed by means of an optoelectronic system, which allows the calculation of the 3D coordinates of the reflective markers on anatomical landmarks of the body. The girls will have to maintain an upright position on a platform dynamometer (inserted in the floor) and then walk freely, if possible. The muscle electrical activity (EMG) of the surface will be acquired by means of an electromyograph multichannel telemetry. They will not be used invasive procedures (eg needle EMG). For the processing of data will be essential programs dedicated, some owners and others made ad hoc at the LAMB.


beginning: 2010.

end: 2011.

Country of research: Italy

Counry of funding source: Italy

Funding organization: AIRETT

Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 50 000 €


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