Characterization of neuronal activity-dependent gene transcription regulation in human iPSC-derived neurons

Reference: MJD350 Abstract: Cellular and molecular studies of the human brain are mostly performed on postmortem tissue or animal models. Recently however, induced pluripotent cell (iPSCs) technology has become a valuable tool that enables studies on live human iPSC-derived neurons, thus providing an alternative approach with clear advantages over animal models or postmortem tissue for … Read more

Challenges of the use of next generation sequencing in clinical context: study in Rett syndrome and related neurodevelopmental phenotypes

Reference: HMSP-ICS/0017/2011 Abstract: n.a PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2011. end: n.a Country of research: Portugal Counry of funding source: United States Funding organization: Framework of the Cooperation Agreement between Portugal and Harvard Medical School – 2011 Financing: NATIONAL FUNDINGS – 0 € hyperlink

Cell bank AP-HP Hopital Cochin: Biological Resource Center for the study of genetic diseases

Reference: ANRn.a.6-CEBSn.a.006 Abstract: GLOBAL PROJECT SUMMARY CRB – General Presentation of the project The cell bank AP-HP (Assistance Publique – Hopitaux de Paris) of the Cochin hospital located in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (Cassini Hall) was established in 1992 in partnership with AFM (French Association against Myopathies). Bank of AP-HP cells Cochin … Read more

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