Reference: ANRn.a.8-MNPSn.a.007 Abstract: Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, pervasive developmental disorders) are disabling disorders of variable clinical expression ?, ?d resulting interaction between genetic and environmental factors during critical periods of brain development. Some candidate genes have been identified . Among them, neuregulin, RGS4, DISC1, reelin, BDNF and glutamatergic receptors are involved in the formation … Read more

Epigenetics of chronic heart failure

Reference: Abstract: The focus of this project are epigenetic mechanisms that underlie the remodeling in the heart in the emergence of hypertrophy and failure and recovery after mechanical unloading.ᅠIn the foreground is the methyl-DNA-binding protein 2 (MeCP2), which specifically recognizes methylated DNA sequences, and thus can modulate gene expression.ᅠIn the continuation phase of this project, … Read more

Epigenetic dysfunction of MeCP2 in chronic heart failure (B03)

Reference: B03 – Subproject to SFB 992: Medical Epigenetics (MEDEP) From basic mechanisms to clinical applications Abstract: The methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) detects symmetrically methylated cytosine-guanine sequences (CpG) in the genomic DNA and modulate gene expression by recruiting coactivator and corepressor-proteins.ᅠWe found that MeCP2 is significantly downregulated in hypertrophic and failing heart.ᅠThe functional significance of … Read more

Environmental enrichment and cognitive function across the lifespan

Reference: BB/L00139X/1 Abstract: The human brain, like other organs, is affected by ageing. This can lead to reduced concentration, forgetfulness, and confusion when confronted with novel or unexpected situations. In more severe cases this puts the person at risk of harm and jeopardises independent living, placing heavy burdens on families and society. There is therefore … Read more

Early onset seizures and Rett-like features associated with mutations in CDKL5

Reference: RES-145-28-1003 Abstract: Mutations in theᅠCDKL5ᅠgene (also known as STK9) have recently been shown to cause early onset epilepsy and severe mental retardation (ISSX or West syndrome). Patients withᅠCDKL5ᅠmutations sometimes also show features similar to those seen in Rett Syndrome (RTT). We have screened theᅠCDKL5ᅠgene in 94 patients with RTT or a RTT-like phenotype who … Read more

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