Joint project: European Rett Syndrome Network (EURORETT).ᅠShare TU Darmstadt.ᅠ

01GM0811 TIB

Although the biochemical function of the proteins involved in this disorder is known, the pathophysiological mechanisms are still mysterious, stressing the need for synergy and multidisciplinarity. Because Rett syndrome could be reversible, it is a priority to combine all possible approaches understand disease mechanisms. This could allow the rapid translation of basic research into efficient therapeutic interventions for RS patients. Several laboratories in Europe have contributed significantly to the research in this field. However, the groups working on RS are not organized to exchange and collaborate efficiently at the european level. Given the complex nature of the disease, we are convinced that a multidisciplinary and trans-national research network is needed. To successfully achieve our ambitious aims, it was necessary to gather a sufficient critical mass from different fields, to combine different expertises and to develop exchanges of ideas and material between the participating countries. This is the reason why we propose the creation of an モEuropean Network on Rett Syndrome” associating 10 partners in 5 eligible countries, an initiative supported by 8 parent associations.


beginning: 2009.

end: 2011.

Country of research: Germany

Counry of funding source: Germany

Funding organization: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Financing: NATIONAL FUNDINGS – 252 025 €


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