Construction of a notebook for multimedia communication in Rett syndrome

6_Prof.ᅠRA Fabio

The overall aim of the work is to build a multimedia notebook to help girls with Rett syndrome to follow a path that leads to alternative augmentative communication and the expression of individual needs. In this work we built two versions of the CAA, the first use of a structure with a PC, the second with an “eye-controlled computer Aid and voice communication” with the aim of verifying whether the girls with Rett Syndrome are able to respond to simple verbal requests, recognize and associate objects and categorize similar objects. It will also consider whether the intervention of a facilitator in communication as the eye-tracker may facilitate the girls with SR in communication, speeding up the interaction with the interlocutor. The final product and the expected results Provide an educational software can be used with the methodology-tracker with both the presentation with the PC. The package is aimed at the acquisition, generalization and application in different contexts: family environment knowledge, food knowledge, knowledge of the school environment, knowledge, emotions, knowledge of symbolic material (words and numbers), use of intentionality for communication. Expected results The girls with Rett syndrome will increase the knowledge of the environments and contexts in which they appear. It is anticipated that the medial aid is motivating and enabling the generalization to contexts of everyday life. This multimedia tool will also be motivating for teachers and educators who interact with the girls with Rett syndrome by providing a clear methodology easy approach to cognitive enhancement.


beginning: 2008.

end: 2010.

Country of research: Italy

Counry of funding source: Italy

Funding organization: AIRETT

Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 50 000 €


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