Rett syndrome gene cartography

Reference: ORPHA 8709 Abstract: PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: n.a end: n.a Country of research: France Counry of funding source: France Funding organization: GIS-Institut des Maladies Rares Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 0 € hyperlink

Search and identification of new genetic or epigenetic causes of neurodevelopmental disorders involved in chromatin remodeling

Reference: 2. Dra. Sonia Mayo de Andros Abstract: This research project aims to contribute to understanding of the genetic etiology and diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders by in silico analysis for the selection of new candidate genes or by looking for genetic abnormalities or markers of epigenetic alterations that can affect both genes and involved in … Read more

Identification and characterization of proteins that, interacting with mecp2, could be involved in Rett syndrome

Reference: GP0072Y01 Abstract: Rett syndrome (RTT) is a genetic disease that occurs almost exclusively in females, with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 10.000-15.000 female births. After normal development up to the age of 6-18 months, follows a period of regression of motor and mental abilities. Affected patients develop loss of speech and purposeful hand … Read more

Production of neuronal cells from reprogrammed fibroblasts of patients with Rett Syndrome

Reference: 9_Renieri Abstract: Despite the intense scientific effort devoted by researchers around the world to study the molecular mechanisms at the basis of Rett, the obvious limitations due to the fact that the primary defect of the brain disease concerns have prevented until now the development of a good model on cells that represent the … Read more

Clinical study of heterogeneity in a large cohort of patients with Rett syndrome using a molecular-biochemical approach.

Reference: 3 Abstract: Rett syndrome (RTT, MIM 312750) is a progressive neurodevelopmental disorder that has an incidence of 1:10,000 people are female. Despite the identification of three genes involved (MECP2, CDKL5 and FOXG1), the pathogenesis of the syndrome is not known to date. The study presented here aims to: deepen the existing knowledge base of … Read more

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