Chromatin diseases: from basic mechanisms to therapy

Reference: 238242 Abstract: The scope of this ITN is to promote research and training in the field of chromatin diseases. Chromatin diseases (CD) are genetic pathologies resulting from mutations in structural components of chromatin or in enzymes that biochemically modify chromatin, altering chromatin status and thereby causing drastic effects on gene expression. CD frequency ranges … Read more

Genetic and Epigenetic Networks in Cognitive Dysfunction

Reference: 241995 Abstract: Mutations in about 400 different genes have been associated with Cognitive Disorders (CD), such as mental retardation, autism, neurodegenerative disorders, and psychiatric disorders. Whereas CD impose a major medical and socio-economical problem, there are no systematic studies that aim to provide insight into common mechanisms in CD. We propose a systems biology … Read more

DNA methylation 40 years later: its role in human health and disease

Reference: Abstract: A long path, initiated more than 40 years ago, has led to a deeper understanding of the complexity of gene regulation in eukaryotic genomes. In addition to genetic mechanisms, the imbalance in the epigenetic control of gene expression may profoundly alter the finely tuned machinery leading to gene regulation. Here, we review the … Read more

Epigenetic Plasticity of the Genome

Reference: 503433 Abstract: In this ‘post-genomic’ era, advances in epigenetic research represent a new frontier that is predicted to yield novel insights for gene regulation, cell differentiation, stem cell plasticity, organismal development, human diseases, cancer, infertility and aging. A central emerging concept proposes that there is an ‘epigenetic code’, which considerably extends the information potential … Read more

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