Environmental enrichment and cognitive function across the lifespan

Reference: BB/L00139X/1 Abstract: The human brain, like other organs, is affected by ageing. This can lead to reduced concentration, forgetfulness, and confusion when confronted with novel or unexpected situations. In more severe cases this puts the person at risk of harm and jeopardises independent living, placing heavy burdens on families and society. There is therefore … Read more

A novel mutation in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene associated with a severe Rett phenotype.

Reference: Abstract: Mutations in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have recently been reported in patients with severe neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by early-onset seizures, infantile spasms, severe psychomotor impairment and very recently, in patients with Rett syndrome (RTT)-like phenotype. Although the involvement of CDKL5 in specific biological pathways and its neurodevelopmental role have not … Read more

Analysis of transcriptional repression and DNA binding of MeCP2 and its significance for Rett Syndrome (B 2)

Reference: B2 – Subproject to SFB 545: Molecular mechanisms of genetic diseases Abstract: PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 1997. end: 2003. Country of research: Germany Counry of funding source: Germany Funding organization: GermanᅠResearch Foundation Financing: NATIONAL FUNDINGS – 0 € hyperlink

Characterization of neuronal activity-dependent gene transcription regulation in human iPSC-derived neurons

Reference: MJD350 Abstract: Cellular and molecular studies of the human brain are mostly performed on postmortem tissue or animal models. Recently however, induced pluripotent cell (iPSCs) technology has become a valuable tool that enables studies on live human iPSC-derived neurons, thus providing an alternative approach with clear advantages over animal models or postmortem tissue for … Read more

Chromatin diseases: from basic mechanisms to therapy

Reference: 238242 Abstract: The scope of this ITN is to promote research and training in the field of chromatin diseases. Chromatin diseases (CD) are genetic pathologies resulting from mutations in structural components of chromatin or in enzymes that biochemically modify chromatin, altering chromatin status and thereby causing drastic effects on gene expression. CD frequency ranges … Read more

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