Priority setting in research on X linked mental retardation syndromes, with special focus on Rett syndrome

Reference: A2-SZGYA-FOK-13n.a.002 Abstract: The project consists of three main parts: 1) follwoing the identification of supported research projects on Rett syndrome, their priorities are categorized, 2) research priorities of patients and researchers are analysed and 3) identification of research gasps. PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2013. end: 2014. Country of research: Hungary Counry of funding source: Hungary … Read more

Partnership research in biotechnology for health (BIOTECS) 2008 project�RETTcure – Modulators of bio-aminergic pathways for the treatment of Rett syndrome

Reference: ANRn.a.8-BIOTn.a.020 Abstract: Rett syndrome (RS) is a severe neurological disorder caused by a mutation in the MECP2 gene transcriptional repressor.�SR girls develop normally until 6-18 months later, they suffer neurological symptoms and severe respiratory ?irregularities.�So far no treatment is available.�Previously, using a mouse model of SR, we have shown that disruption of the respiratory … Read more

Participatory research into quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities

Reference: 57000005 Abstract: This is a summary of the request. The Governor Kremers Centre (GKC) started in 2002 as a corporate initiative of service providers and the academic chair on intellectual disability at Maastricht University. It is now aiming at extending and consolidating its activities as a consortium of Maastricht University, major service providers and … Read more

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