Mitochondrial dysfunction and cytosolic redox imbalance in Rett syndrome

Reference: Michael Müller Abstract: Rett patients and mouse models of Rett syndrome, i.e. mice carrying mutations in the gene coding for the transcriptional regulator MeCP2, suffer from highly irregular breathing with temporary arrest of breathing, which gives rise to repeated episodes of reduced systemic oxygen supply (hypoxia). Yet, instead of desensitization or neuronal adaptation to … Read more

A Mouse Model of CDKL5 Rett syndrome

Reference: Amendola, Elena Abstract: Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder most commonly caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene. However, some persons with Rett do not carry mutations in MECP2 and recently mutations in the cyclin dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been found in persons having a Rett-like disorder that includes seizures during the … Read more


Reference: Prof. Dr. Albena Todorova Abstract: n.a PROJECT DETAILS  beginning: 2004. end: 2005. Country of research: Germany Counry of funding source: Germany Funding organization: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 63 600 € hyperlink

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