8_ Dr.ᅠA.ᅠCosentino, Dr. B.ᅠMontagnana – Centre Don Calabria, Verona
This project aims initially to quantify and define the individual motor abnormalities, and then test the effectiveness of the proposed therapy. Specifically, this paper aims to differentiate and characterize the population instrumentally examined in terms of motor skills between subjects with residual powers to the sitting posture and competent individuals to erect and gait. A goal of further level to the analysis, the definition of biomechanical and neurophysiological disorders of nature in subjects with autonomous way. Study of different application models a garment dynamic orthotic (TheraTogs) and verification of the effectiveness and functional ambulation in the sitting posture. Quantify the changes in the medium term biomechanical characteristics induced by the administration of rehabilitative training TheraTogs, of the way in the ambulant subjects and sitting posture in non deambulanti.Obiettivi
beginning: 2008.
end: 2010.
Country of research: Italy
Counry of funding source: Italy
Funding organization: AIRETT
Financing: PRIVATE FUNDERS – 50 000 €